Ocean passages for the World

本書は、19世紀末までに様々な形式で刊行されてきた世界の航路情報をまとめて最良の航路を示すことを目的として、英国のhydrographic department of the Admiraltyが刊行した外洋航路一覧である。1895年(表紙には1896年と記載)に1st editionが刊行されて後、現在まで改訂が続いており(1923年、1973年、1987年、2004年、2014年改訂)、いわば外洋航 路一覧の定番である。外洋別、地域別に航路が記載されており、主要港から別の主要港への針路が、方角や目印などとともに記載されている。 我々は、同書を用いて19世紀末~20世紀初頭の外洋航路をデジタルデータとして復元することを着想し、1923年の第2版を入手した。第2版を選んだ理由は、以下に示すように帆船、汽船の航路図にくわえて、風向および海流を示した地図が付属していたためである。

This book is a list of ocean routes published by the Hydrographic Department of the Admiralty in the United Kingdom. The Department compiled all information of global shipping lanes published at the end of the 19th century and indicated the best routes. Since the first edition of the book published in 1895 (although it is marked 1896 on the cover), it has been revised several times until the present edition (in 1923, 1973, 1987, 2004, and 2014), making it a standard list of ocean routes. Routes are listed by ocean and region and show the course from one major port to another with landmarks and compass bearings.

Diagram of Winds on map of the World
Diagram of Ocean Currents on map of the World
Diagram of Steam-ship routes―Atlantic Ocean
Diagram of Steam-ship routes―Indian Ocean
Diagram of Steam-ship routes―Pacific Ocean  
Diagram of Sailing-ship routes―The World
Diagram of Winds on map of the World
Diagram of Ocean Currents on map of the World
Diagram of Steam-ship routes―Atlantic Ocean
Diagram of Steam-ship routes―Indian Ocean
Diagram of Steam-ship routes―Pacific Ocean  
Diagram of Sailing-ship routes―The World

 我々はデジタルスキャナとコンピュータを用いてこれらの地図をトレースし、デジタルデータに変換した。変換作業は、GISスペシャリストである高橋昭子が担当した。実際のルートはデータを確認してもらうことにして、ここではまず航路図がどのような船舶を対象としたものかを紹介する。 汽船については、(1)full-powered 、つまり高出力の内燃機関を備え、15ノット以上で巡航可能な船舶(able to maintain a sea-going speed of 15 knots or over)、(2)moderate-powered、つまり中出力の内燃機関を備え、10~15ノットで巡航可能な船舶(able to maintain a sea-going speed of from 10 to 15 knots)、(3)low-powered、つまり低出力の内燃機関を備え、10ノット以下で巡航する船舶(having a sea-going speed of less than 10 knots)の3種類のうち、(2)(3)のカテゴリーの船舶を対象としたものである。(1)のカテゴリーの汽船は、港間の最短距離をとること(take the nearest navigate route between ports)が推奨されている。 機帆船については、Routes for steam or motor ships, with auxiliary sail-power, or for sailing ships with auxiliary steam- or motor-power have been omitted.とされ、航路図は記載されていない。なお、本書の初版によると、前者のタイプの機帆船は内燃機関使用時に汽船ルートをとり、それ以外の場合は汽船ルートと帆船ルートの中間のルートをとること(Vessels with what may be called auxiliary sail-power, or when the steaming power are the principal, would at times take the full-powered steam route, and at other times take a route between that and the sailing route)、後者のタイプの機帆船は帆船ルートをとること(Vessels with sail and auxiliary steam power may be considered as taking nearly the routes of vessels under sails only)が推奨されている。  最後に、デジタルデータへの変換時に行った処理や地図利用上の注意について簡単に説明する。汽船の航路図は、上記の3枚の地図に記載されている航路を統合し、全世界の地図にまとめた。元の地図では航路上に始点、終点の港名や港間の距離などの文字情報が記載されていたが、煩雑となるため、文字情報の記載されている部分に点を打ち、そこに文字列を入力した。帆船の航路図は、汽船とは異なり、ある程度幅を持った航路が描かれているが、そのまま入力した。なお、これらの航路図については、南米航路など一部の例外を除き、書名のとおり沿岸航路は描かれていない。海流図については、技術的な問題から元の地図に描かれている波線をそのままトレースすることはせず、大まかに向きがわかる程度に作成した。風向図については、1~3、4~6、7~9、10~12月の4期間に地図がわかれていたため、そのまま入力した。

We converted these diagrams from hard copy into digital data by tracing them with digital scanners and computers. The conversion was carried out by GIS specialist Akiko Takahashi. Actual routes can be verified using the data. Next, we give the types of ships the diagrams were intended for.
The routes were intended for three classes of steamships: (1) full-powered steamships with high-output internal combustion engines able to maintain a sea-going speed of not less than 15 knots, (2) moderately powered steamships with medium-output internal combustion engines able to maintain a sea-going speed of 10 to 15 knots, and (3) low-powered steamships with low-output combustion engines having a sea-going speed of less than 10 knots. The ships of classes 2 and 3 could use the routes. Ships of class 1 are advised to take the nearest navigable route between ports.
For launches, the book notes that ‘routes for steam or motor ships with auxiliary sail-power and those for sailing ships with auxiliary steam or motor power have been omitted’ and no charts are supplied. According to the first edition of the book, ‘vessels with what may be called auxiliary sail power, or where steam is the principal power, would at times take the full-powered steam route, and at other times take the routes between that and the sailing routes’, whereas ‘vessels with sail and auxiliary steam power may be considered as nearly always taking the routes of vessels under sails only’.
Finally, we briefly explain the process of conversion of hard copy into digital data and provide notes on the use of the charts. We integrated the steamship routes from the three charts listed above and showed all of them on a single world map. In the original diagram, information such as the starting port and end port of the routes as well as the distances between them are given as text within the diagram. As this could overcomplicate the diagram, we indicated the presence of such details with dots on the diagram and gave them as notes below. The sailing ship routes, unlike steamship routes, could be very broad, and so we re-entered them as they were. As the book’s title indicates, these charts do not include coastal routes, except for a few from around South America. As for the diagram of ocean currents, owing to technical reasons, we did not trace the actual wave lines but instead showed their approximate direction. The diagram of winds was divided into four periods of the year: January–March, April–June, July–September, and October–December, and we maintained this distinction.

  • Rear-admiral Boyle T. Somerville, C.M.G., Ocean Passages of the World, Winds and Currents, London: Hydrographic Department, Admiralty, 1923, p.3.
  • Ibid., p.6.
  • Ibid., p.7.
  • Ibid., p.3.
  • Ocean Passages for the World, London: Hydrographic department, Admiralty, 1895, p.2.
  • Ibid., p.1
  • Ocean Passages of the World, Winds and Currents, p.7.
  • Rear-admiral Boyle T. Somerville, C.M.G., Ocean Passages of the World, Winds and Currents, London: Hydrographic Department, Admiralty, 1923, p.3.
  • Ibid., p.6.
  • Ibid., p.7.
  • Ibid., p.3.
  • Ocean Passages for the World, London: Hydrographic department, Admiralty, 1895, p.2.
  • Ibid., p.1
  • Ocean Passages of the World, Winds and Currents, p.7.